It's the weekend and I'm excited! My God Daughter is coming to visit me from Liverpool. Little Tanaka is only three years old. A real cheeky monkey, who never fails to brighten my day - despite the fact that she is constantly telling me how "dopey" I am!
Tanka is a Shona name that in English means "Everything is Good" and when she visits, everything is good in my world!
Although I love all my nieces equally, Tanaka is the only one whom I have had the pleasure watching grow from a little baby. Her sisters, Lynn and Kirsty, are both beautiful and intelligent young women. They were each much older when they came into my life. Equally, my own two kids were 8 and 5 years respectively when I met their mother. So Tanaka is the only person in our family whom I have actually known for her entire life! It has been such a joy to watch her little personality grow and develop over the last few years. It has also been wonderful to see the joy and happiness she has brought to the lives of her two parents Andrew and Lisa. They are both amazing loving parents who have provided a great home for all three of their girls and are bringing up some fantastic human beings.
Family is such an important thing. It's the solid foundations upon which societies are built and it's what gives us strength as we voyage through life. I know I am blessed to have the family that I do. Equally, I know that not all families are nurturing and I feel sad for those who have not had the experience of a supportive loving family to guide their lives.
Families are made up of people and all people are flawed. So fundamentally at some level all families are flawed. What defines a great family is how the individuals within it overcome those flaws. How they support each other, how they love each other and how they set aside their individual egos for the greater good of the group. It's not always an easy journey to make, especially when you are dealing with generation and culture gaps. However, it's a journey worth making as it enriches your life in ways that you would have never anticipated. Families teach you a fundamental lesson about life - that the more you give the more you shall receive. Love begets love, and sacrifice is always worth it.
The pain a family feels when one of them passes from this earth is profound. Last year saw the death of my Uncle Brendan - my mother's elder brother. He was a man whom I had looked up to all my life, a leader not just within our family, but, within the wider world. His departure left a huge gap in our collective consciousness and the pain of his passing is still acutely felt by all. However, his continued presence is still real, as the ancestors never leave us. They live on within our memories and indeed within the very core of our being as their life and their spirit is forever bound to ours. We are who we are in part because of our relationship with them, because of the legacy they have left us. This interconnectedness binds our souls across eternity. When we acknowledge and connect with the reality of their continued presence in our lives their passing is easier to accept.
Death comes eventually for us all. I find that comforting. It reminds me of the utter insignificance of my ego within the context of the Universe. However, it also highlights the divinity of collective consciousness and the need to live in the moment. Families are an expression of collective human consciousness - they teach us many things, if we choose to let them.
One of the greatest joys that all families experience is the arrival of a new born baby. The entry of another soul into the collective consciousness of the family unit with all the potential that offers, to all members of the group. This was the joy that Tanaka brought to my life and the lives of those who love her. Later this year two new arrivals will bring similar joy as both my brother and my sister are due to have their first children. It is a wonderful occasion for our family and one which I know will bring us all closer together. These may turn out to be young or old souls - either way their experience in this life is set to be shaped by some truly wonderful people whom I know will make the most amazing parents. Their lives will also be shaped by the collective consciousness of a wider group - full of both fucked up craziness and massive amounts of love. In short - they are both in for one hell of a ride!
And so I await the arrival of my little niece and her entourage :) It's going to be a wondrous weekend with some amazing humans whom I am honoured and privileged to call - my family!
Friday, 31 January 2014
Monday, 27 January 2014
Homophobia in Africa
Economic growth is sweeping through Africa these days with rates of up to 8% in many countries across the continent. This is far in excess of what is being experienced in Europe and signals a rise out of poverty for many people - although political corruption and negative foreign influence are still factors that limit and hamper progress in many regions.
Despite the optimistic economic outlook, there is still a very disturbing undercurrent of both religious and social intolerance at play in many countries. At least 36 out of the 55 countries in Africa still have laws in place which outlaw homosexuality. On the 13th January of this year Africa's largest country by population and second largest by GDP, Nigeria, brought in new laws that pave the way for a further crack down on same sex relationships with jail sentences of up to 14 years for those found 'guilty'. In other parts of the continent, thankfully, things are different with both homosexuality and same sex marriage legal in South Africa.
I am not a fan of Western countries preaching to Africa about what qualifies as social progress. Our record of negative interference on the continent over hundreds of years and the destruction that it wrecked on the indigenous civilisations of many nations does not allow us to take the moral high ground on any subject. I also wonder just how much of the homophobia that exists on the African continent stems more from Western religious influence, primarily Christianity and Islam, than from the traditional tribal beliefs of African people.
Ultimately, it's down to African countries and their people to structure their own societies how they see fit. However, I personally find the laws in countries such as Nigeria that outlaw homosexuality disgusting and practically akin to institutionalised racism. Surely Nigeria has more pressing social problems for Mr. Goodluck Jonathan to tackle?
Free Love!
Link to the status of LGBT rights across Africa:
Wednesday, 22 January 2014
Another Vatican hate speech
I do wonder when a Vatican spokesperson will actually be prosecuted for incitement to hatred? It's long overdue.
Yet another hate speech was delivered today, this time by a newly appointed Spanish Cardinal, Fernando Sebastian Aguilar, who claims that homosexuality is a "physical defect" akin to "high blood pressure" and can be cured.
Everyone knows that homosexuality is rife in the Vatican. So who do they think they're kidding!
We are all also painfully aware of the shameful record the Vatican has on child abuse and its subsequent cover up in many countries. The Catholic Church should be more concerned about ending the unnatural restrictions they put on sex among their preisthood and dealing with the mental issues that such restrictions cause. They need to stop preeching to the rest of the planet on sexual morality. And, if they do preech hate, then they should be prosecuted!
Human beings are sexual animals - who cares who or how fuck?
Free Love!
Yet another hate speech was delivered today, this time by a newly appointed Spanish Cardinal, Fernando Sebastian Aguilar, who claims that homosexuality is a "physical defect" akin to "high blood pressure" and can be cured.
Everyone knows that homosexuality is rife in the Vatican. So who do they think they're kidding!
We are all also painfully aware of the shameful record the Vatican has on child abuse and its subsequent cover up in many countries. The Catholic Church should be more concerned about ending the unnatural restrictions they put on sex among their preisthood and dealing with the mental issues that such restrictions cause. They need to stop preeching to the rest of the planet on sexual morality. And, if they do preech hate, then they should be prosecuted!
Human beings are sexual animals - who cares who or how fuck?
Free Love!
Tuesday, 21 January 2014
As I awake this morning my first thoughts turn to gratitude. Gratitude for my health, for my family, for life. It's a beautiful day on this rock, that is hurtling through space, in a universe that is beyond human comprehension. I am alive, free and able to express myself in a society that is not perfect by any means, but, nonetheless offers opportunity. There is nothing I cannot achieve when I put my mind to it. The time is now, the place is here - I will do the work!
Monday, 20 January 2014
Bulletproof Breakfast!
Bulletproof Coffee, by Dave Asprey ( ) was an absolute dietary revelation for me last year and made a significant impact on my morning routine. The mycotoxin free coffee mixed with grass fed butter and MCT oil was not only delicious, but, it really got me focused mentally and set up for the day ahead.
Well yesterday a little experimentation produced a Bulletproof Coffee with a twist that had me buzzing with energy and mental clarity all day. It was so fucking good that I went to bed last night excited about having it for breakfast again this morning. So what is this miraculous new recipe?
First grind and then brew your Bullet Proof Coffee beans in a French Press. Then place the following in a warm cup:
1 tablespoon of grass fed butter (Kerry Gold)
2 tablespoons of C-8 MCT oil (Bulletproof Brain Octane oil)
1 large square of 90% Dark Chocolate (Lindt)
1 tsp of Cinnamon powder
1 tsp Cayenne Pepper powder
1 tsp Vanilla extract
Add the coffee and blend with an electric milk frotter. Oh my God! This stuff is like rocket fuel. It tastes amazing and gets you buzzing like you will not believe! What's more it's all super good for you! Enjoy it with another square of 90% dark chocolate and that's breakfast wrapped - you're good until lunch :)
Thursday, 16 January 2014
The Russian Lifestyle
This week the Russian government has issued an official statement slamming the EU for its "Aggressive Propoganda of Alien Homosexual Love".
Seriously? Do the Russian political leaders not have more important things to attend to?
The only thing the Russian statement says to the rest of the world is - Putin is most likely a closet homosexual!
Judging by the photo below he might also have a thing for horses.........but hey each to his own. Free Love!
Seriously? Do the Russian political leaders not have more important things to attend to?
The only thing the Russian statement says to the rest of the world is - Putin is most likely a closet homosexual!
Judging by the photo below he might also have a thing for horses.........but hey each to his own. Free Love!
Wednesday, 15 January 2014
Wake up and smell the weed!
Interesting to see Sky News this morning run a story on Cannabis production in the UK and whether or not the time has come to legalise it.
Unfortunately, despite raising many good points the report also continued the false negative propoganda by branding Cannabis as "an addictive substance". I'd like to see the scientifc study that Sky News are citing when they make this assertation. The fact is, there is none!
While I welcome the opening of the debate by Sky News, it is time now that the correct facts about Cannabis are put before the British public. The fact that it is one of the least toxic substances known to mankind with a higher LD50 than other commonly consumed substances such as Coffee. The fact that it has many proven health benefits and was the basis of 50% of all medicines prior to prohibition in the 1930's. The fact that it is a non addictive substance, unlike alcohol or tobacco. If we are to have a proper debate then people need to know and understand the facts. Many people worry that Cannabis is dangerous to health - if they understand that far from being dangerous it is actually benefical then many would think very differently about their attitude towards it and their stance on its legalisation.
The other point the Sky News report raised that had many viewers concerned was the fact that Cannabis is being sold by criminal gangs to primary school childern. The official response from Norman Baker, Minister of State at the Home Office, was that selling Cannabis carries a 14 year jail sentence and that the UK government is committed to cracking down on it. UH!! When will our elected representatives wake up and smell the weed! Prohibition does not work! It doesn't stop the supply and it doesn't stop the demand. All prohibition does is allow the government to abdicate their responsibility for the proper regulation of the market. If you really want to stop Cannabis being sold to primary school kids then legalise it and regulate it. It's easier for kids today to buy Cannabis than to buy alcohol or tobacco - stop spending £3bn annually on a drugs war that is a proven ineffective policy! Legalisation and regulation is the only solution.
Unfortunately, our political leaders are not actually leaders, they are followers. Followers of public opinion. If they were true leaders then they'd recognise the failed drugs policy as it relates to Cannabis, they'd recognise the many proven health benefits of Cannabis, they'd disregard the false negative propoganda, and they'd listen to the advice of their own advisory council on the misuse of drugs. However, they are too scared about what it might mean for them at the ballot box - so they continue to hold to an out of date party line. The only way we'll see a change is if ordinary people, who quite frankly have much better things to do with their lives, start to speak up and let the politicans know that enough is enough. That it's time to stop wasting billions of pounds of tax payers money on a failed drugs policy.
It's good to see the debate move more to the mainstream media and I congratulate Sky News for this, but, urge them to get their facts correct moving forward. The debate needs to move on and it needs to become a debate that is informed by the truth about Cannabis as a substance - not the false negative propoganda that is so often associated with the issue.
Let's hope that in 2014 our politicans finally wake up and smell the weed! Let's hope we see an end to prohibition and a move towards legalisation. If it's going to happen then people need to write to their elected representatives to express their dissatisfaction as tax payer and voters. This is the only way change will be brought about. We need to make Cannabis legalisation an election issue!
Unfortunately, despite raising many good points the report also continued the false negative propoganda by branding Cannabis as "an addictive substance". I'd like to see the scientifc study that Sky News are citing when they make this assertation. The fact is, there is none!
While I welcome the opening of the debate by Sky News, it is time now that the correct facts about Cannabis are put before the British public. The fact that it is one of the least toxic substances known to mankind with a higher LD50 than other commonly consumed substances such as Coffee. The fact that it has many proven health benefits and was the basis of 50% of all medicines prior to prohibition in the 1930's. The fact that it is a non addictive substance, unlike alcohol or tobacco. If we are to have a proper debate then people need to know and understand the facts. Many people worry that Cannabis is dangerous to health - if they understand that far from being dangerous it is actually benefical then many would think very differently about their attitude towards it and their stance on its legalisation.
The other point the Sky News report raised that had many viewers concerned was the fact that Cannabis is being sold by criminal gangs to primary school childern. The official response from Norman Baker, Minister of State at the Home Office, was that selling Cannabis carries a 14 year jail sentence and that the UK government is committed to cracking down on it. UH!! When will our elected representatives wake up and smell the weed! Prohibition does not work! It doesn't stop the supply and it doesn't stop the demand. All prohibition does is allow the government to abdicate their responsibility for the proper regulation of the market. If you really want to stop Cannabis being sold to primary school kids then legalise it and regulate it. It's easier for kids today to buy Cannabis than to buy alcohol or tobacco - stop spending £3bn annually on a drugs war that is a proven ineffective policy! Legalisation and regulation is the only solution.
Unfortunately, our political leaders are not actually leaders, they are followers. Followers of public opinion. If they were true leaders then they'd recognise the failed drugs policy as it relates to Cannabis, they'd recognise the many proven health benefits of Cannabis, they'd disregard the false negative propoganda, and they'd listen to the advice of their own advisory council on the misuse of drugs. However, they are too scared about what it might mean for them at the ballot box - so they continue to hold to an out of date party line. The only way we'll see a change is if ordinary people, who quite frankly have much better things to do with their lives, start to speak up and let the politicans know that enough is enough. That it's time to stop wasting billions of pounds of tax payers money on a failed drugs policy.
It's good to see the debate move more to the mainstream media and I congratulate Sky News for this, but, urge them to get their facts correct moving forward. The debate needs to move on and it needs to become a debate that is informed by the truth about Cannabis as a substance - not the false negative propoganda that is so often associated with the issue.
Let's hope that in 2014 our politicans finally wake up and smell the weed! Let's hope we see an end to prohibition and a move towards legalisation. If it's going to happen then people need to write to their elected representatives to express their dissatisfaction as tax payer and voters. This is the only way change will be brought about. We need to make Cannabis legalisation an election issue!
Thursday, 9 January 2014
Historical Medieval Battles (HMB)
The UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship) began in 1993 as a new sport that pitted martial artists from all styles aganist each other in no holds barred unarmed combat. Today mixed martial arts is the fastest growing sport on the planet and the UFC has emerged as a major mainstream business.
However, as with all things human beings are constantly seeking to take it to the next level - so enter HMB or Historical Medieval Battles!
In HMB the athletes suit up in full historically correct Medieval armour, drink mead and then wield every type of period weapon you can possibily imagine in an all out full contact brawl. The objective being deliver blows that knock your opponent to the floor. Combat is either 1 on 1, five V five team competition, or an all out 21 V 21 Battle Royal! The major event each year is the 'Battle of the Nations' and the top team worldwide for the past few years has been the Russians. It's bloody carnage with serious injuries to the athletes - but it's also absolutely fantastic!
In an age where Health and Safety has gone mad, here is a sport where men can be men and do the thing that we most enjoy - beat the living crap out of each other! It's a wonderful mix of history, art and athletic ability. A nobel sport where modern day Knights can kick the shit out of each other by day and then raise a glass together by night as fellowmen bound together by the strength of the warrior ethos. HMB rocks!
However, as with all things human beings are constantly seeking to take it to the next level - so enter HMB or Historical Medieval Battles!
In HMB the athletes suit up in full historically correct Medieval armour, drink mead and then wield every type of period weapon you can possibily imagine in an all out full contact brawl. The objective being deliver blows that knock your opponent to the floor. Combat is either 1 on 1, five V five team competition, or an all out 21 V 21 Battle Royal! The major event each year is the 'Battle of the Nations' and the top team worldwide for the past few years has been the Russians. It's bloody carnage with serious injuries to the athletes - but it's also absolutely fantastic!
In an age where Health and Safety has gone mad, here is a sport where men can be men and do the thing that we most enjoy - beat the living crap out of each other! It's a wonderful mix of history, art and athletic ability. A nobel sport where modern day Knights can kick the shit out of each other by day and then raise a glass together by night as fellowmen bound together by the strength of the warrior ethos. HMB rocks!
Saturday, 4 January 2014
Subtleties in the drugs debate
"I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to, too."
A very funny one liner from one of my favourite comedians, Mitch Hedberg. Unfortunately, Mitch died in 2005 at the age of 37. Cause of death is believed to have been a drug overdose. The medical examiners report cited toxic levels of both Cocaine and Heroin in this system.
Let's be very clear. Concerns about the adverse side effects of certain illegal drugs are valid concerns. Many substances are highly addictive and toxic to humans. The state should be providing education programs about the dangers associated with the abuse of drugs and it should absolutely seek to protect our young people from getting easy access to dangerous substances.
Unfortunately, it does neither. Instead it lies to people about the harmful effects of substances such as Cannabis. A lie many young people today easily see through and so subsequently disregard everything else they hear from the government on the drugs topic. Furthermore, the prohibition of drugs allows organised crime to self regulate the market deciding what they sell to whom and at what age. Where is the protection for our young people?
So how toxic is Cannabis? The LD50 of a substance is a measurement of the toxicity of that substance. It is the amount of a substance that results in the death of 50% of the individuals exposed within a certain time period. LD50 is measured in micrograms (or milligrams) of the material per kilogram of body weight. The lower the LD50 the more toxic the substance. One might, therefore, assume that substances such as Cannabis branded 'a dangerous drug' by the government would have a low LD50?
Well you'd be wrong!
At present it is estimated that marijuana’s LD-50 is around 1:20,000 or 1:40,000. In layman terms a smoker would theoretically have to consume nearly 1,500 pounds of marijuana within about fifteen minutes to induce a lethal response.
The quote above is from a report by the United States Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Agency. It effectively says that Cannabis (Marijuana) is one of the least toxic substances know to man! In strict medical terms marijuana is far safer than many foods we commonly consume including coffee, raw potatoes, and salt! Not only is Cannabis completely non-toxic, it is one of the oldest and most effective medicines on the planet. Indeed, before prohibition in the US close to 50% of all medicines were Cannabis based.
But what about Cannabis being a gateway to harder drugs? Well if the drug dealer you buy your weed from is also selling cocaine, heroin and other illegal substances then chances are you may be offered harder drugs at some point and perhaps you may decide to try these. So in that respect there may be an argument here. But, that's all the more reason to take the trade out of the hands of organised crime and regulate a legal market for Cannabis. Is there anything inherent in the chemical composition of Cannabis that would lead people to start taking harder drugs - no!
So can we please just cut the bullshit! There is no medical reason whatsoever why Cannabis should be an illegal substance. In fact, I'd rather just stop calling it a drug as I feel it would help the debate if we more accurately classified it as a medicinal plant/food. Should it be regulated? Yes absolutely - just as we regulate the sale and distribution of all foods. Prohibition is not regulation though - it's an abdication of government responsibility that has serious consequences for our society in terms of crime, health and public spending.
We need to move on from this madness and start basing our public policy around health and drugs on the truth instead of misinformation and bullshit propoganda. We need a more informed debate on this topic and we need to move towards legalisation in 2014.
Efforts to promote the legalisation of cannabis do not go hand in hand with the promotion of all illegal drugs. There are subtleties in the drugs debate. It's time our elected representatives grasped this and showed some true leadership on this topic.
Unfortunately, it does neither. Instead it lies to people about the harmful effects of substances such as Cannabis. A lie many young people today easily see through and so subsequently disregard everything else they hear from the government on the drugs topic. Furthermore, the prohibition of drugs allows organised crime to self regulate the market deciding what they sell to whom and at what age. Where is the protection for our young people?
So how toxic is Cannabis? The LD50 of a substance is a measurement of the toxicity of that substance. It is the amount of a substance that results in the death of 50% of the individuals exposed within a certain time period. LD50 is measured in micrograms (or milligrams) of the material per kilogram of body weight. The lower the LD50 the more toxic the substance. One might, therefore, assume that substances such as Cannabis branded 'a dangerous drug' by the government would have a low LD50?
Well you'd be wrong!
At present it is estimated that marijuana’s LD-50 is around 1:20,000 or 1:40,000. In layman terms a smoker would theoretically have to consume nearly 1,500 pounds of marijuana within about fifteen minutes to induce a lethal response.
The quote above is from a report by the United States Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Agency. It effectively says that Cannabis (Marijuana) is one of the least toxic substances know to man! In strict medical terms marijuana is far safer than many foods we commonly consume including coffee, raw potatoes, and salt! Not only is Cannabis completely non-toxic, it is one of the oldest and most effective medicines on the planet. Indeed, before prohibition in the US close to 50% of all medicines were Cannabis based.
But what about Cannabis being a gateway to harder drugs? Well if the drug dealer you buy your weed from is also selling cocaine, heroin and other illegal substances then chances are you may be offered harder drugs at some point and perhaps you may decide to try these. So in that respect there may be an argument here. But, that's all the more reason to take the trade out of the hands of organised crime and regulate a legal market for Cannabis. Is there anything inherent in the chemical composition of Cannabis that would lead people to start taking harder drugs - no!
So can we please just cut the bullshit! There is no medical reason whatsoever why Cannabis should be an illegal substance. In fact, I'd rather just stop calling it a drug as I feel it would help the debate if we more accurately classified it as a medicinal plant/food. Should it be regulated? Yes absolutely - just as we regulate the sale and distribution of all foods. Prohibition is not regulation though - it's an abdication of government responsibility that has serious consequences for our society in terms of crime, health and public spending.
We need to move on from this madness and start basing our public policy around health and drugs on the truth instead of misinformation and bullshit propoganda. We need a more informed debate on this topic and we need to move towards legalisation in 2014.
Efforts to promote the legalisation of cannabis do not go hand in hand with the promotion of all illegal drugs. There are subtleties in the drugs debate. It's time our elected representatives grasped this and showed some true leadership on this topic.
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