Monday, 30 December 2013

My favourite brownie recipe

The Christmas holidays are nearly over, but, as they draw to a close I am left to reflect on what has been one of the tastiest feasts I've had in many years. The centerpiece of our table this year was a magnificent Goose. It was the first time that Goose has graced our christmas table and my first time to eat the bird, but, it shall most certainly not be the last. The meat was rich and delicious and the fat was simply to die for. In fact, I experienced little moments of extreme extascy as I bit down on the skin and the juices from the fat exploded in my mouth. Ok so that might sound a bit gay...but seriously the bird was he most lucious creature I have ever tasted. Roast potatoes cooked in goose fat along with brussell sprouts fried in butter with panchetta and chestnuts, completed our feast.

I should mention, however, that the effect of the Goose on my culinary senses was undeniably enhanced by the delicious and nutritious brownie that I scoffed about 2 hours prior to christmas dinner. This gluten free chocolate treat was made from the finest ingredients and is a recipe too good to keep from the rest of the world, so I have decided to share it here.

Firstly, one must prepare the butter and best if this is done the day before. Simply take a stick (250g) of unsalted grass fed butter (Kerry Gold) and place it in a bowl over a pot of hot water. Gently melt the butter on a light heat - do not allow the water to boil. Once melted, mix in about 10g of high quality weed and stir well. Then add a cup of flouride free mineral water and leave to simmer for about 45 min to an hour. Do not allow the mixture to boil. After the allotted time pour the mixture through a muslin cloth into a tin foil container squeezing to ensure all the mixture comes through and then place in the container in the freezer for about 30 min. After 30 min remove the container from the freezer. The butter will have separated from the water. Cut a small hole in the bottom of the container and drain off the water. Your brownie butter is now ready to use.

Now to make the most delicious brownies you will ever taste. Below is a list of the ingredients you'll require:

Specially pre-prepared butter (see above)
1/2 cup of Cocoa or Cacao plus 1 Tbsp
6 organic free range eggs
1 tsp vanilla
3/4 cup of coconut palm sugar
1/3 cup of honey or agave
1/2 cup of coconut flour
1 and 1/2 cups of unsweetened shredded coconut

Preheat the oven to 325 F. Line an 8X8 pan with parchment paper. Melt the butter (just to melting, not hot) and whisk in the cocoa/cacao. In a medium sized bowl whisk the eggs, sugar, honey and vanilla together. Pour in the chocolate mixture and whisk until combined. Add the coconut flour and coconut mix until combined. Pour into prepared pan and bake for 35-40 minutes or until set in the middle.

Once cool these bad boys are ready to eat. They are best served on their own with a cup of bulletproof coffee (mixed with grass fed butter and MCT oil) or in a bowl with some Cornish clotted cream ice cream sprinkled with cinnamon.

My gift to you all the festive season - happy eating!

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