Monday, 18 August 2014

The Bleeding Edge of Free Will

Free flowing personal expression on the bleeding edge of free will is how I intend to live my life. The great spirit has absolutely no tolerance for the decorations of society if they prevent its ability to flow freely. Culture must act as a vehicle to enable the spirit to find expression, not as a blockage. So hold your creations sacred and live with dignity, but, don't fall into hubris. Learn to laugh, both at yourself and the world. Life is wonderful. Enjoy its beauty and let your desires burn strong. Have faith that the universe will provide and have faith in your fellow man. We are all one!

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Middle East conflicts

The decision by the UK House of Commons not to support any intervention in Syria looks more enlightened by the day as the so called 'rebels' we would have been supporting now appear to be the self same ISIS 'terrorists' that US this week started to launch airstrikes against in Iraq.

Why the US and Britain are still looking to get involved in Iraq/Syria is beyond me. All Western intervention in this region is entirely counterproductive. And who exactly are we supporting anyway? It's about time the Western powers took a step back and left it to the various warring factions on the ground to reach their own solutions about how to live together. This may indeed mean sitting on the sidelines as a humanitarian crisis evolves. It may mean that an Islamic state comes to power in the region. It may even mean that Iraq ultimately splits into 3 different countries. However, if there is ever to be a lasting peace the only way it will happen is if the various sides on the ground reach their own accommodations. Western intervention achieves nothing except creating more resentment and hatred for us across the region.

I notice today that the UK has now deployed RAF Tornado jets to provide greater surveillance of northern Iraq and protect the 'humanitarian' mission! These jets have the capability of launching air strikes so why hasn't parliament been recalled to sanction their use? And what remit do they actually have? We know the SAS is already engaged on the ground and today the possibility of further UK ground troops being deployed at a later date was also not ruled out by Phillip Hammond. Is the UK government getting us deeper engaged in this conflict by stealth? Certainly after the Syria vote, David Cameron cannot afford another defeat in parliament regarding intervention in the region. So is that why we are now seeing a bypassing of parliament and UK forces being engaged under the auspicious of a 'humanitarian' mission! I'm sorry, but, Tornado jets and the SAS don't signal a humanitarian mission to me - it signals intervention. So we're back in Iraq and who's to say the remit to battle ISIS won't also get us into Syria? Recall parliament now! We need a vote on this before the UK gets any deeper into the conflict.

And then there is Israel. An apartheid state, as bad as the apartheid regime in South Africa, who the Western powers seem to be completely turning a blind eye to. Again the issue in this region will never be solved so long as the US continues to provide unconditional support to Israel. Gaza is a prison camp and the current conflict is just another in a series of Israel culls of the Palestinian population. It is nothing short of ethnic cleansing and it is disgusting. It's time to expel the Israeli ambassador to the UK, boycott Israeli goods, and remove all UK support for the current regime. The only way forward in this region is a one state solution with equal rights for all and an end to any official state religion. This is what the US and the Western powers should be pushing both sides towards.

Britain has played a large role historically in creating the problems in the middle east. It now needs to take a step back and think very carefully about how it uses its influence from the sidelines in a more just and equitable manner. The government needs to listen to the UK population who have zero desire to see the country engaged in any further conflicts in the region and who also are clearly calling for a change in government policy towards the apartheid regime in Israel.

Wake up UK! We need a change in policy.

Monday, 4 August 2014


All creativity springs from the Great Spirit that flows through every being. Breathe is the life force. Let the Great Spirit flow through you without resistance. Let breathe set you free. Play with it, experience it, be one with it. The energy of the Universe is coursing through your veins, only hindered by the mind which blocks its course. The mind is resistance. The Great Spirit as it flows will cut its course through your mind, as a river cuts its channel through the earth. This channel is the path of your life. It is an expression of the Great Spirit. Therefore, submit the mind and understand its nature as resistance. Let the Great Spirit run freely through you as it cuts its course through the mind, shaping the canyons and valleys of your soul. Flow freely with the Great Spirit to the sea and flood this world with the Great Spirit of life, love and bliss. Be in the moment, be here now, and breathe deeply. Your breath is your connection to the Great Spirit. You are your own healer. You are one with the universe. You are Great Spirit. You are not the mind. The mind will create a form and a shape for spirit to flow through, but, it is just resistance. Be one with the Great Spirit, be one with the universe, be one with the moment. Breathe deeply.